Friday, December 9, 2011

Hunger Games Research Project

          Imagine being picked to fight till death just for the intertainment of other people! Well thats how Katiness is feeling when she goes to the reaping and they pick her sisters name out of the bowl. Can you believe her name was in there only once and out of like 1000 other names they had to pick PrimRose Everdeen!!! Thats not fair and I would do the same thing Katiness did. I would volunteer so i take my sisters place so nothing bad can happend to her. Plus Katiness is the one with the skills because she goes to the woods and shoots her bow and arrow and practices with Gale her best guy friend. Anyways back to the reaping. The boy tribute,which thats what they call the people they choose for the hunger games, is Petta Malark. That means this is one of the people that Katiness is gonna need to kill so she can survive and win.But yeah so it then turns out that Haymitch, districts 12 only surviver of the hunger games, wants Katiness to be in love with each other and yeahh. So then the hunger games start and Peeta betrays Katiness. Rue and Katiness form an alliance. Then later on she dies and the capital changes the rules so Katiness and Peeta can work together. At the end They win and she actually do fall in love forreal :)(Hunger Games book)
          The Gladiators are very similar to the Hunger Games because they both  made innocent people do it and they had to fight to survive. Also in the book they fought against some weird looking creatures and Gladiators sometimes needed to fight against tigers or other sorts of animals. The matches took place in a arena just like in the hunger games!(Chris) One of the main reason its alot like the hunger games is because its to entertain the public or who ever is watching it. Well when I was researching I found out that some of the fighters in the arena were volunteers and this really relates alot to Katiness.("Gladiator.") Well yeah can you imagine that the Gladiators have alot of similar things with the hunger games!? This was one of the authors inspiration on writing the book. 
          Now we are going to talk about throwing an arrow and the techniques you need to have to be a good bow and arrow shooter. Well first off all Shooting an arrow has been around for a very long time and its basically used for the same thing. You know hunting and combat.(Jimmy) Well I think to be a very good bow and arrow shooter you must have really good aim and you should practice alot. That's what Katiness did out in the woods with Gale so that is how she got an 11 when they saw her performance. But yeah, Well this might be a little off topic but I think its important,here we go. Katiness's dad died in a mine explosion but before all that happend he showed her his hunting skills and he taught her also he made her a bow and arrow. So I am pretty sure thats the only reason she is good but thats a good thing because she won't die of hunger cause she knows how to hunt for animals.
          Well now you know a big chunk of Katiness's life and depending on what type of person you are will also depend what u would do if you were in her situation. Like i said before I would take my sisters place just for one reason and thats becasue I lovc her. Would you ? Anyways an amazing thing is that you now know information about the Gladiators and how they use to battle back in those times. Im glad we stopped that becasue i wouldn't enjoy watching people sufer. Also to be a good bow and arrow shooter like Katiness with what i wrote to you about it will help you become a better one. Thanks for taking your time and reading this. (Emeli)

Bc, 174. "Gladiator." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, 07 Dec. 2011. Web. 07 Dec. 2011. <>.

Wales, ("Gladiator."). "Archery." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 6 Dec. 2011. Web. 07 Dec. 2011. <>.

Robert, Hardy. "Proper Shooting Technique." Longbow. Web. 28 Dec. 1999.

Heaton, Chris. "Gladiator." UNRV History - Roman Empire. Web. 07 Dec.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

GoAnimate :) Hunger Games

Hunger Games by Emeli

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Comparing my Personality with a Character xD

Okay :) Well  i think i am more like Rue because i like to be sneaky around people. Also me and her have a some things in common like we are both small but fast and brave! Another reason i am like Rue is because i love to climb trees and if i was in the hunger games i would most likely want to hide away from everyone so they will kill each other and I would know their little secrets like Rue did with the careers.!!! BUT!!! At the same time i feel like Katiness because i love to go explore also if i knew how to throw a bow-and-arrow i would definitely want to hunt some animals. Like i also feel i am more like her because i sometimes have the same ''love'' problem like her. I can't make out who i like and i am with one person maybe the other one will get mad and then drama ! But in katiness case its much bigger because she has known Gale longer and Peeta a little while and she already kissed him. i was like OMG O.o yeah that's what i think....Although the main reason i am like Katiness is cause i would surely stand up for my sister if she got chosen to be in the Hunger Games:DD

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Chapter 20 Hunger Games Reading Response !! :)

Ok Well these chapters have been off the hook! Like can you imagine that they changeed to rules of the Hunger Games!! Exactly i can't either. Now Katiness is going to go try and locate Peeta so they can work together and win, well thats if Peeta doesn't die because of all those wounds he has all over his body. Would you go locate Peeta after they changed the rules? why or why not? I dont know if i would.. I am like in between i would but at the same time i wouldn't. Like i would because i would have some help and it would be easier to win but at the same time i wouldn't because i don't know if i should trust Peeta. Today i read that they had another Message from the Capital saying that at dawn to go to the Cornucopia because there will be a backpack waiting for each district with something important that they will need inside it! hmm i wonder what it would be. What do you think it would be? Hahah i think its funny how Haymitch sent Katiness that medicine bottle that makes you go to sleep for Peeta so she will go to the Cornucopia :) Well thats why i think Haymitch sent it. But yeah this book is very interesting so far and i wonder what will happend in the next chapter !!?? :D

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Chapter 18 :)

Well first of all can you imagine that Rue DIES!!!! Thats messed up , isn't? If I was Katiness I would feel the same way as she did. But the good thing about it is that since Katiness killed the boy from district 1 now she wont be afraid to kill the rest of the carrers. I kinda think that Katiness likes peeta because she is always mentioning him at some point in the book.  Do you think the same ? Its unbeliveable how they changed a rule of the  Hunger Games!!  Now both memebers from the district can win if they are both alive ! Thats insane bu ti think its very fair because since they are from the same district they are friends and so they won't need to kill each other. See this is why i think katiness does like peeta.. At the end she blurts out his name plus that was the first thing in her mind. I would not do  that because he is such a back stabber >:( But yeah these are my Toughtful thoughtd about the hunger Games Chapter

Bow and Arrow represents Katiness :)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Hunger Games Reading Response

Oh my goodness ! I can not believe that Peeta actually had alot of bruises on his face. This means he fought someoone and i would have never thought he would do such thing. Then when i finished reading it said he was going to finish the poor girl i mean who who ever imagine Peeta doing that horrible thing?! Well i know i wouldn't but guess what!, he did finish her ..He killed her ! I was very surprise. But the funny thing is that the Careers are just using him to find Katiness. Thats the only reason he is still alive. Well back to Katiness...she found WATER :) and she was so happy, wouldn't you? Anyways you know how the gamemakers want thier audiance to be happy for what they are watching right? Well since no one has died they started to throw fire balls at Katiness. I feel like that is messed up how they care so much how thier audiance feels,but at the same time if i was watching the Hunger Games and no one was dying i would  be so bored, Whats your opinon about this ?Okai well now back to  Katiness's actions again, well she was on the tree and she suddenly saw to big eyes and she figured out that it was Rue. She gave Katiness a great idea that defeated the careers waitng to kill her. (: She threw a nest of Tracker Jackers on them although she got stung three times which had a bad effect on her!!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Stradegy Quick Write :)

I think good strategies that the people can use at the hunger games are to make very good traps so the other contestants can fall for them and get trapped so they can be killed. Or another idea can be to, try to make your own weapons. This idea will match perfectly with Katiness because since her dad use to make Bow and Arrows she can close her eyes and try to remember how to do one. One of my perfect ideas that i came up with is to hide either in a bush or tree and then when a person from another district comes you instantly jump on their back and start to attack them! These are some of my ideas that i think will work well when you get chosen for the Hunger Games.  :)

Friday, September 30, 2011

What does the World say about Beauty?

Being beatiful affects every single human being ! The reason is because people judge you by not "being normal" . Like just to fit in with everyone you gotta look a specific way, but this is not RIGHT!I think it is very wrong for people to be treated unfairly. Imagine if the whole world had to be the same:Every other week you need to wear your hair up, only girls can have long hair. ! Noo that would be a mess, then you can't say someone is unique beacause they aren't ! That would be AWFULL! D;

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My Perfect World :)

In my world the main sport will be Soccer! Every year there will be a tournament against everyteam of every age and the winners will recive a amazing prize. For the people everyone will have egual rights but if some people don't respect the rules they will have to face the consequenses. My world would be seperated by colors, instead of having state names it will be state colors. Since my favortie color is blue North Carolina would be BLUE!