Wednesday, February 15, 2012

"Don't Judge Others"

       Okay first of all I don’t get why you would want to judge someone! It’s not like your going to become famous. Maybe you would at school but that’s only because people are going to think you are cool since you hurt some one’s feelings. Anyways like i was saying making fun of people won’t get you a job, I bet it won’t even get you through school because you are only worried about bullying someone innocent. I really hate seeing people get bullied. Especially when people don’t know what the person being bullied is going through. Although sometimes it’s the bully that is going through a hard time and that’s the only reason they act like they do. Like people think i am “cool” , but guess what i even get bullied!  I get made fun of alot because of my height but i really don’t care what people think of me. Some things DO hurt my feelings like when people call me names or when they say i look ugly or something but I just think of it as a compliment because I know certain people are jealous.
That’s the main reason people bully or judge others, because they are jealous. I mean you know we all have been jealous of someone in our life. You know there’s always gonna be that person that does something better than you. But let me tell you something bullying them or making them feel really bad about their self's doesn’t solve the problem. So don’t do it ! And remember if you see someone being bullied or being judged stand up for them and you will have a bunch of friends, you might loose some put those you loose were never your real friends.


  1. Important post, Emeli. And you're right, being jealous is one reason why people bully. But I think another, maybe even bigger, reason is to deflect attention from themselves. Like say a person makes fun of how someone else dresses...they may be doing so because they don't want people to notice their appearance. Make sense?

  2. OMG!! Thats really good. And its so true.

  3. I really like this story it is the story of my life because I get bullied a lot, and not many people stick up for me but some of them that do after hearing your story hopefully they will change.

  4. Did you right this because we were reading flowers for algernon?

  5. I agree that people shouldnt bully others. Its not right to do because it does hurt peoples feelings.

  6. good job chaparra ;) jk...well it was a great story & most of the things you said are true because most people say bad things to you just because you might be better then them & just want to feel good aboute themselves

  7. Good Job Emily because also some people need to learn how to show respect.

  8. Yea, sometimes I don't get why people would judge someone even if they know its going to hurt their feelings. I know people think that their all cool but they really aren't and it won't help them in the future.

    1. yeah i know right ... just because you want attention doesnt mean you need to judge someone it would be better to do something for the community or someone else to get the attention you deserve ;)

  9. That is true i get judge a lot.But maybe you should just try to get to know me, and you will see am not a bad person! DONT JUDGE AND DONT HATE AND WE BE GOOD FRIENDs!
    That was amazing by the way EMILY!
